Art. 1. These General Terms and Conditions are designed to regulate the relations between CBN Designs Ltd, Sofia, Lyulin, bl. 408, ent. B, hereinafter referred to as the SUPPLIER, and the customers, hereinafter referred to as USERS, at the electronic shop, hereinafter referred to as "ELECTRONIC SHOP".
Art. 2. Information under the Electronic Commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:
1. Name of Supplier: CBN Designs Ltd
2. Seat and address of management - Sofia, bc. Liulin, bl. 408
3. Correspondence data: Sofia, hc. Lyulin, bl. 408, ent. B, floor 2
4. Entry in public registers: UIC 205559376.
5. Supervisory authorities:
(1) Personal Data Protection Commission
Address: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov "№ 2,
Tel .: (02) 940 20 46
fax: (02) 940 36 40
Web site:
(2) Consumer Protection Commission
Address: 1000 Sofia, 4A Slaveikov Square, 3rd, 4th and 6th floor,
tel .: 02/980 25 24
fax: 02/988 42 18
hotline: 0700 111 22
Web site:
Art. 3. The e-shop is available at, through which the Users have the opportunity to sign contracts for the purchase and sale of goods offered by ELECTRONIC SHOP, including the following:
1. To register and create an account for viewing ELECTRONIC SHOP and using the additional information services;
2. Make electronic statements regarding the conclusion or performance of contracts with ELECTRONIC SHOP via the interface of the ELECTRONIC SHOP page available on the Internet;
3. Conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods offered by ELECTRONIC SHOP;
4. Make any payments in connection with the contracts concluded with ELECTRONIC SHOP, according to the electronic payment methods supported by ELECTRONIC SHOP.
5. To receive information about new goods offered by ELECTRONIC SHOP;
6. View the goods, their characteristics, prices and delivery conditions;
7. To be notified of the rights deriving from the law mainly through the interface of the ELECTRONIC SHOP on the Internet;
8. Exercise the right to withdraw from the distance contract for the goods offered by the Supplier for which the right of withdrawal is applicable;
Art. 4. The Supplier shall deliver the goods and guarantee the rights of the Beneficiaries provided for by law in the framework of good faith, the criteria and conditions adopted in the practice, consumer or commercial law.
Art. 5. (1) The users conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of the goods offered by ELECTRONIC SHOP via the Supplier's interface, accessible on its Internet site or other means of distance communication.
(2) By virtue of the agreement concluded with the Users for the purchase and sale of goods, the Supplier undertakes to deliver and transfer the ownership of the User to the goods, which he has determined through the interface.
(3) The Beneficiaries shall pay to the Supplier remuneration for the delivered goods in accordance with the conditions established by ELECTRONIC SHOP and these General Terms and Conditions. The remuneration is in the amount of the price announced by the supplier of the address of ELECTRONIC SHOP on the Internet.
(4) The Provider shall deliver the goods requested by the Users within the terms and conditions set by the Provider on the e-shop page and in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. (5) The price for the delivery shall be determined separately and explicitly from the price of the goods.
Art. 6. (1) The User and the Provider agree that all statements between them in connection with the conclusion and performance of the purchase contract may be made by electronic means and by electronic statements within the meaning of the Law on Electronic Document and Electronic Signature and Art. 11 of the E-Commerce Act.
(2) It is assumed that the electronic statements made by the Users of the site are made by the persons mentioned in the data provided by the User in making a registration if the User has entered the respective access name and password.
Art. 7. (1) In order to use an ELECTRONIC SHOP to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, the User shall enter a name and password of remote access chosen by him, in cases where the e-shop requires registration.
(2) The name and password for remote access shall be determined by the User by electronic registration on the Provider's website.
(3) By filling in the data and clicking on the "Yes, I accept" or "Register" buttons, the User declares that he / she is familiar with these terms and conditions, agrees with their content and undertakes to comply unconditionally.
(4) The Provider confirms the registration made by the User by sending a letter to an e-mail address indicated by the User to which they are sent and activation information for the registration. The user confirms the registration and the conclusion of the contract by electronic reference in the letter informing about the registration, sent by the Provider. Upon confirmation, an Account of the User is created and a contractual relationship arises between the Provider and the Provider.
(5) When making the registration the User undertakes to provide correct and up-to-date data. The user shall promptly update the data specified in his / her registration in case of change.
(6) In order to use the full functionality of the e-shop of the Provider, the User undertakes to register at the e-shop site. The Provider is not liable if, due to a lack of registration, the User has been unable to use the full functionality of the e-shop, including in relation to the exercise of contract rights, the possibility of claiming a lower price and other similar functions.
(7) These General Terms and Conditions may be accepted by the Users and without registration in the ELECTRONIC SHOP by explicit declaration of intent, including through the ELECTRONIC SHOP.
Art. 8. (1) The electronic address provided at the initial registration of the User as well as any subsequent electronic address used for the exchange of statements between the User and the Provider is the "Main Email Address" within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions. The User has the right to change his / her Main Contact Email Address.
(2) Upon receipt of a request for change of the Basic Contact E-mail address, the Provider shall send a request for confirmation of the change. The confirmation request is sent by the Provider to the new Main Contact E-mail specified by the User.
(3) The change of the Basic Contact E-mail is made after confirmation by the User, expressed by a reference contained in the confirmation request sent by the Provider to the new Main Contact E-mail specified by the User.
(4) The Provider shall inform the User of the change made, by e-mail, sent to the User's Main Contact E-mail address, prior to making the change under para. 2.
(5) The Provider shall not be liable to the User for unauthorized modification of the Basic Contact E-mail Address.
(6) The Provider may require the User to use the Basic Contact E-mail address in specific cases.
Art. 9. (1) Users shall use mainly the interface on the Provider's website in order to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods offered by the Supplier in ELECTRONIC SHOP. (2) The contract shall be concluded in the Bulgarian language.
(3) The Contract between the Provider and the User constitutes the present General Terms and Conditions available on the ELECTRONIC SHOP.
(4) A party to the contract with the Provider shall be the User according to the data provided at the registration and contained in the user's personal profile. For the avoidance of doubt, this is the data that created an account with the Provider.
(5) The supplier shall include, in the interface of his website, technical means of identifying and correcting errors in the input of information before the contract is made.
(6) This Agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded from the time of User's registration with the Supplier or the acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in another explicit manner, including by means of a statement on the Provider's website. The contract for the purchase and sale of a good is considered to have been concluded from the time of its being declared by the User through the Interface of the Supplier.
(7) For the conclusion of this contract and for the conclusion of the contract for the purchase and sale of goods, the Provider shall explicitly notify the User in an appropriate manner by electronic means. (8) The statement of conclusion of the contract and the confirmation of its receipt shall be deemed to have been received when their addressees have access to them.
(9) The supplier delivers the goods to the address indicated by the Users and is not liable in the event that the data indicated by the Users are untrue or misleading.
Art. 10. (1) The Users shall conclude the Purchase-Sale Agreement with the Supplier under the following procedure:
Performing a registration in an ELECTRONIC SHOP and providing the necessary data if the User has not previously registered in an ELECTRONIC SHOP or by requesting a product without registration;
Entering the ordering system of ELECTRONIC SHOP by identifying by name and password and other means of identification;
Choosing one or more of the offered goods of ELECTRONIC SHOP and adding them to a list of goods for purchase;
Provision of delivery data;
Choice of method and time for payment of the price.
Order Confirmation
(2) Users may conclude the contract of purchase and sale with the Provider and without making a registration using the respective functional in the e-shop interface
Art. 11. The provisions of this Section VI of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply to Users for whom, according to the data specified for the conclusion of the purchase contract or the registration in ELECTRONIC SHOP, it can be concluded that they are consumers within the meaning of the Law Consumer Protection Act, the Electronic Commerce Act and / or Directive 2011/83 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011.
Art. 12. (1) The basic characteristics of the goods offered by the Supplier are defined in the profile of each item on the ELECTRONIC SHOP.
(2) The price of goods with all taxes included is determined by the Supplier in the profile of each item on the ELECTRONIC SHOP site.
(3) The value of the postal and transport costs not included in the price of the goods shall be determined by the Provider and shall be provided as information to the Users at one of the following moments before the conclusion of the contract:
- In the profile of each of the goods on the website of the ELECTRONIC SHOP MERCHANT;
- When selecting the goods for the conclusion of the purchase contract;
(4) The manner of payment, delivery and performance of the contract shall be determined in these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the information provided to the User on the Provider's website.
(5) The information provided to the Users under this Article is current at the time of its visualization on the Supplier's website prior to the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement.
(6) The supplier must specify the conditions for the delivery of the individual goods on his site.
(7) Before the conclusion of the contract, the supplier shall indicate the total value of the contract for all the goods contained therein.
(8) Users agree that all information required by the Consumer Protection Act may be provided through the interface of the ELECTRONIC SHOP platform or e-mail.
Art. 13. (1) The User agrees that the Provider is entitled to accept an advance payment for the contracts concluded with the consumer for the purchase and sale of goods and their delivery. (2) The consumer chooses independently whether to pay the Supplier the price to deliver the goods before or at the time of delivery.
Art. 14. (1) The consumer is entitled, without due compensation or penalty and without giving any reason, to cancel the concluded contract within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods through the single withdrawal form available on the site of the Provider. Information on exercise of the right of withdrawal is available on the Provider's website. Users can also use another unambiguous statement that can be recorded on a durable medium.
(2) The right of withdrawal under para. 1 shall not apply in the following cases:
1. for the supply of goods made to the consumer or according to his individual requirements;
2. for the supply of goods which, by their nature, may deteriorate or have a short shelf life;
3. for the supply of sealed goods which have been printed after delivery and can not be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection;
4. for the supply of goods which, after having been delivered and by their nature have been mixed with other goods from which they can not be separated;
5. for the supply of sealed phonograms or video recordings or sealed computer software that have been printed after delivery;
6. for the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications;
(3) Where the Provider has not fulfilled his obligations to provide information specified in the Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the concluded contract within one year and 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods. When the information is provided to the consumer within the withdrawal period, it begins to run from the date of its submission. The user has the right to make the statement of withdrawal under this Article directly to the Provider through the single withdrawal form available on the Provider's website .
(4) Where the User has exercised his / her right to withdraw from the distance or off-premises contract, the Supplier shall reimburse all sums received by the User, including delivery costs, without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which the User's decision to withdraw from the contract was notified. Supplier shall recover the sums received using the same means of payment used by the user in the initial transaction unless the consumer has expressly agreed to use another means of payment and provided that this is not associated with any cost to the User.
(5) When exercising the right of withdrawal, the cost of returning the delivered goods shall be borne by the consumer and the amount paid by the consumer shall be deducted from the cost of return of the goods. The Supplier has no obligation to reimburse the additional costs of delivering the goods when the User has explicitly chosen a way of delivering the goods other than the cheapest type of standard delivery offered by the Supplier.
(6) The User undertakes to store the goods received by the Supplier and to ensure the preservation of their quality and safety during the term under para. 1.
(7) The User may exercise his / her right to withdraw from the Contract with the Provider by making a written statement to the Provider through the standard withdrawal form available on the ELECTRONIC SHOP site.
(8) Where the Supplier has not offered to take the goods on his own, he may withhold the payment of the sums of the consumer until he has received the goods or until the User provides proof that he has sent the goods back, whichever is the case earlier.
Art. 15. (1) The delivery period of the goods and the starting point from which they run shall be determined for each item individually upon conclusion of the contract with the consumer through the website of the Supplier, unless the goods are ordered in one delivery.
(2) If the consumer and the Supplier have not set a delivery period, the delivery time of the goods shall be 30 working days from the date following the sending of the order to the Supplier through the e-shop site.
(3) If the Contractor can not fulfill the contract because he does not have the goods ordered, he is obliged to notify the User and to refund the amounts paid by him.
Art. 16. (1) The supplier shall deliver the goods to the consumer after certifying the fulfillment of the requirements for providing information to the consumer in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.
(2) The User and the Provider shall certify the circumstances under para. 1 in writing at the time of delivery by hand signature, unless otherwise agreed.
(3) The User and the Provider agree that the requirements of para. 1 shall be complied with if the certification is carried out by a person for whom, according to the circumstances, it can be concluded that he will transmit the information to the user-party to the contract.
Art. 17. The Supplier shall deliver and deliver the goods to the User in the term specified at the conclusion of the contract.
Art. 18. The user must review the goods at the time of delivery and delivery by the Supplier and, if they are not eligible to notify the Supplier immediately.
Art. 19. (1) The Provider shall take measures to protect the personal data of the User pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act.
(2) For security reasons of the User's personal data, the Provider will only send the data to an e-mail address that was designated by the Users at the moment of registration.
(3) The Provider accepts and declares on its Site a Privacy Policy.
(4) The Users agree that the Provider has the right to process their personal data necessary for the execution of the e-shop orders and the execution of the contract.
Art. 20. (1) At any time, the Provider is entitled to require the User to identify and certify the authenticity of each of the circumstances and personal data announced during the registration.
(2) In the event that for any reason the User has forgotten or lost his name and password, the Provider is entitled to apply the announced Procedure for lost or forgotten names and passwords.
Art. 21. (1) These General Terms and Conditions may be amended by the Provider, for which the latter shall notify in an appropriate manner all Beneficiaries who have registered. (2) The Provider and the User agree that any addition and amendment of these General Terms and Conditions will have effect upon the User upon express notification by the Provider and if the User does not declare within 30 days that he rejects them.
(3) The User agrees that all statements by the Provider regarding the modification of these General Terms and Conditions will be sent to the e-mail address indicated by the User upon registration. The User agrees that emails sent under the terms of this Article need not be signed with an electronic signature to have an effect on him.
Art. 22. The Provider publishes these terms and conditions at their site address, together with any additions and amendments thereto.
Art. 23. These General Terms and the User's Agreement with the Supplier are terminated in the following cases:
upon termination and in liquidation or bankruptcy of one of the parties to the contract;
by mutual agreement of the parties in writing;
unilaterally, with a notice from either party in the event of non-performance of the other party's obligations;
in the objective impossibility of any of the parties to the contract to perform their duties;
on seizure or sealing of equipment by state authorities;
in case of deletion of Username registration on the ELECTRONIC SHOP site. In this case, the concluded but not fulfilled purchase contracts remain in effect and are subject to enforcement;
in the case of exercise of the right of withdrawal under Art. 55, para. 1 of the Consumer Protection Act. In this case, only the contract for the delivery of the corresponding ordered goods shall be terminated if the right of withdrawal is applicable to the relevant category of goods.
Art. 24. Any invalidity of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions will not invalidate the entire contract.
Art. 25. The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not governed by this Agreement relating to the execution and interpretation of this Agreement.
Art. 26. All disputes between the parties to this Agreement will be resolved by the competent court or the Consumer Protection Commission.
Terms & Conditions
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